Known as the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Royal Library marrow or simply Library of Alexandria or the largest libraries of its time [1], built by Ptolemy I [2] and is said to have been founded by Alexander the Great before the twenty-three centuries [3] It is also said to have been founded by Ptolemy II in early third century BC, [1] a year (285 247 BC)
Historians disagree on the person who built the library, there are those who say that Alexander and placed in the layout when building Alexandria [5], the owner of the idea of building [6] and some say that Ptolemy I is built and others say it was Taséa by Ptolemy II [1] as that is completed Fbtalmeos first is the one who ordered the establishment of the library and organized at his own expense, and then complete that his successor Ptolemy II. [7] collection Demetrius Alvalery Greek nucleus of the Library of Alexandria, which is in the country of Greece, [7], who was working as a consultant for Ptolemy I [8] [9], a library systems [10] has been developed planning architecturally and objective so as to be reflective of the balance of Greek thought and modern sciences. [6] and there is a difference in a year that has been created in which there are those who say Onhancit in 330 BC [11] and there Who says it was established in 288 BC [12]
Trustees of the Library [edit]
Old [13] [14] [edit]
Alvalery Demetrius (284 BC).
And Zinodotos Alavssa (284-260 BC).
Barqawi and Callimachus (260-240 BC).
And Abullonius Alrodsy (240-235 BC).
And Aratosttheis Barqawi (235-195 BC).
Byzantine and Aristophanes (195-180 BC).
And Abullonius Aadugravos (180-160 BC).
Acommotracy and Aristarchus (160-145 BC)....
The secret of greatness and fame ancient Library of Alexandria [edit]
The prominence of Ancient Library of Alexandria (Bbltica de me Axandrina) to be the oldest library general government in the ancient world, and not because it is the first world libraries Vmketbat Pharaonic temples were known when the ancient Egyptians, but it was especially priests only and the Ptolemies themselves who they founded knew Libraries well as due greatness also that they whale books and science civilizations Pharaonic, Greek, and it happened blending scientific and meet the cultural intellectual science East and Science West, it is a model of cultural globalization old produced a civilization Hellenistic where intermarried Pharaonic and Greco attributed greatness also of the greatness of those who made it, where was imposed on all the world taught to let out a copy of his books but they also were in the stronghold of science and stronghold of papyrus and writing instruments Egypt, where the collection out what was in the libraries of Egyptian temples and a whale of flag-On and Last but not least frees scientists from Thabo politics, religion, sex, race and segregation science which was for the human world is visiting her or student by not asks not only for his knowledge about his religion and ethnicity
The old library [edit]
The Library of Alexandria property first and greatest library known in history and remained the largest libraries of its time, established the Library of Alexandria at the hands of the successors of Alexander the Great since more than two thousand years to the largest collection of books in the Old World, which reached number then to 700 thousand volumes including the works of Homer and the library Aristotle.
Ptolemy was first created 330 BC it was spending lavishly during the reign of Ptolemy II, where he Ptusatha and add extensions to her, the library contained a huge number of books and manuscripts reached the 700,000 folder
Fire Library [edit]
In 48 BC. M. Julius Caesar burned 101 vessels were found on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea in front of the Library of Alexandria after it was besieged by Ptolemy, Cleopatra's brother, after the little hair that Julius Caesar, Cleopatra championing it, and spread the flames of burning ships to the Library of Alexandria where it is believed Vahrguetha some historians have it destroyed. [17]
While little history as well as it has the right to the library severely damaged in 391 AD when the order of the Roman Emperor Theodosius I destroy them, and poses some historians Another theory is that, despite the fire Theodosius I, the library has survived until the year 640 AD, where, according to some historians, it was completely destroyed during the period of the rule Amr ibn al-Aas to Egypt by order of the Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab. [18] while denies other historians any link to the Muslims and Amr ibn al-Aas in a fire library, and describe the charge superstition [19] and the myth [20] where they say that the Amr ibn al-Aas entered Alexandria in the year 642 m at the time were not found until the Library of Alexandria burned where they say it is proved that the Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground at the time of the Roman emperor Julius Caesar in 48 BC. AD ". [17]
Where there were no books in the ancient Kelieqhobe, and Albuladhira, and Ibn Abd al-Hakam, and al-Tabari, and Canadian, nor in the history of came after them and take them Kalmqrizi, and dad beauties, and Suyuti, and others.
After entering the Arabs of Alexandria on December 22 in 640 AD. And the destruction of the city walls, happened to know the Amr ibn al-Aas on the world of theology Christian appellant in the Age named John Philoponus John Philoponus (pupil Alexandrian philosopher Ammonius previously mentioned, it is known to the Arabs in the name Yahya grammar, has contributed his writings to a large extent in the transfer of Greek culture to the Arabs) . After many debates religious between John and Amr about triangulation, standardization and the divinity of Jesus Christ asked John from Amr maintain the books in the Library of Alexandria, because, according to John, "Unlike stores, palaces and gardens of the city, those books are not useful for Amr or his men." Then Amr was surprised and asked about the origin of those books and usefulness, Vsrd him the story of John the Alexandria Library since its founding by Ptolemy II. But Amr ibn al-Aas replied by saying that he could not act without taking the advice of Omar ibn al-Khattab. He wrote Ibn al-Khattab speech milk is consulted in the library and books. While John was waiting for a reply in Amr, authorized the latter to John visited the library, accompanied by his disciple Jewish doctor Villaritis Philaretes (is the author of a medical book, a pulse of error attributed to John Philoponus). Several days later came replies Omar ibn al-Khattab, and which was read and translated by Amr ibn al-Aas on the ears of both John and Villaritis, and what it means: "... And the books that I mentioned Van was where it approves the Book of God in the Book of God with him indispensable, and that was where the contrary to the Book of God does not need us to. "And so is Amr ibn al-Aas distribute books bathrooms Alexandria for use in lighting the fire that keeps the warmth of the bathrooms. The mention of the Muslim Alagafti in his translations of the wise that the burning of these books has continued for nearly six months, and that the only books that survived the fire were some books of the Greek philosopher Aristotle and some of the writings of Ptolemy and Euclid Sports geographical location. The novel Arabs burning books library Serapeum also mentioned Alagafti also mentioned in the books of sermons and account stated in the plans and implications for historians of Egyptian Sheikh Taqi al-Din to Mqrizi, and the index to Ibn al-Nadim, the history of Islamic civilization to Georgy Zeidan. It also supports the Ibn Khaldun in his book Introduction Ibn Khaldun novel burning of Arabs to the Library of Alexandria, given the behavior of the Arabs in the same era, and examples of this behavior throwing Saad bin Abi Waqas books Persians in the water and fire, and so on the order of Omar ibn al-Khattab, who sent Ben Abi Waqqas saying "The guidance was not what it was God guided him Bahidy albeit astray Enough was God." References pro burning Alexandria Library
Some blame the burning of the library of Alexandria Julius Caesar (100-44 BC). And one of the most important Snaúd this claim is without Julius Caesar himself in his book that the Alexandrian War of fire that ignited his soldiers to burn the Egyptian fleet in the port of Alexandria has extended to gobble up a warehouse full of papers papyrus is located close to the port. But the study of the geographical location of the library in Alexandria neighborhood Brochaon Bruchion away from the harbor is clear that this store is impossible to be a library. The suspicion of burning Julius Caesar to the Library of Alexandria easy to disprove it by reading the book Geography of the historian Strabo Strabo, who visited Alexandria about 25 years BC. The scientific article, which draws from historical sources that were present in the library of Alexandria at the time. In addition, the Cicero Cicero months historians Romanian empire, and who knew the extreme hostility of Julius Caesar, did not mention the incident at all burning of Julius Caesar to the Library of Alexandria in his famous book Philippics which is further evidence of the innocence of Julius Caesar from that charge.
Nevertheless, some historians agree that Julius Caesar is already burned by the Library of Alexandria. One of these historians is Plutarch Plutarch in his Life of Caesar, who wrote at the end of the first century AD, and in which he stated that the Alexandria Library has burned by the fire, which began Julius Caesar for the destruction of the Egyptian fleet stationed in the port of Alexandria. In the second century AD, and in his book Attic Nights, mentions the Roman historian Ulus Jlius Aulus Gellius that the Royal Library of Alexandria was burned when he accidentally ignited some Roman soldiers Affiliates of Julius Caesar some flames. In the fourth century pagan historians agree Mrslinos Ammianus Ammianus Marcellinus and the Christian Orucius Orosius that the Library of Alexandria has burned an error because of the fire, which began Julius Caesar. But mostly here that these historians confused between the Greek words bibliothekas the sense of a collection of books and bibliotheka sense Library, and this has been thought that what has been written previously about the burning of some books near the port and in some stores is burning to the famous Library of Alexandria.
On this, given what was written by Roman historians mentioned above, it is likely that the Royal Library of Alexandria was burned after Strabo's visit to the city about 25 BC. But before the beginning of the second century AD, and it was only what these historians have said the incident cremated and her descent error of Julius Caesar. The result is that the library had been destroyed mostly by someone other than Julius Caesar, but the next generation of the incident used to link the fire, which occurred in Alexandria during the existence of Julius Caesar and the burning of the library.
But it is known that the Alexandrian Library property, or the museum as it was called, where it includes the assets of many of the mothers of the books in the world, were not only library in the city of Alexandria, but there were Mketbtan two other at least: Library Temple of Serapeum library temple Alsizarryon. And the continuing intellectual and scientific life in Alexandria after the destruction of the Royal Library, and prosperity of the city as a center of science and literature in the world between the first century AD and the sixth century AD, has adopted the existence of these two libraries and Ahtautah of books and references. It is historically documented that the Royal Library was the private library of the royal family and the scientists and researchers, while the office Serapeum Alsizarryon Mketbtnin broad and open to the public. And thanks to the establishment of the Royal Library of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, while the foundations of his son Ptolemy III Serapeum Temple and the library attached to it. Later known as the Serapeum library on behalf of the library daughter Daughter Library. While it was the site of the Royal Library in the neighborhood Brochaon Bruchion near the royal palaces and royal gardens, it was the Serapeum library and the Temple of Serapeum which the god Serapis in the neighborhood Racotiis Rhakotis popular. While whale Royal Library originals of most of the world's books, it was the usual place copies of those assets in the library of the Serapeum.
After the burning of the Royal Library became the Serapeum Temple library, larger than Alsizarryon Temple Library, the main library for the city of Alexandria. The first historical reference to that library was in the book The Apology of the mark Christian Tertullian Tertullian, where it is stated that the library of the Ptolemies preserved in the Library of the Serapeum, and that part of what they contain a copy of the books of the Old Testament Jews goes Alexandria to hear it read in the library. If we consider that the library is the Ptolemaic royal library, it can be said that what has been saved from the original books from the library of Alexandria property has been moved to the Serapeum library to be placed next to the copies that were already in that library daughter. This analysis is supported by what is stated in the message Arsthias Letter of Aristeas (Starter secondary Jew), which date back to the end of writing the first century AD, from the Royal Library manuscripts that had been transferred to the Library of the Serapeum. In the year 379 AD. Back of St. John Chrysostom to mention the Serapeum in his library-oriented Antakyin that the Serapeum library containing a copy of the Old Testament which is Ptolemy II Philadelphus translated from Hebrew to Greek.
Then in 391 AD. Some Christians in Alexandria at the instigation of Pope Theophilus, Pope of Alexandria to destroy the pagan temple Aserabion and build a church over its ruins. But the destruction of the library overlooking Aserabion did so mostly because they contain many of the books of Christianity and Judaism as well as other scientific books, which were the subject of attention of many scientists pagans and Christians alike. Until the end of the sixth century AD, we find many references to the historical presence of the Serapeum library in Alexandria, and those signals described the Alexandrian philosopher Ammonius Ammonius to that library and what Hute books, such as copies of the book works Categories of Aristotle.
Further Reading: 1. Ammianus Marcellinus, XXII 2. Aristeas, Letter 3. Aulus Gellius, VII 4. Caesar, Alexandrian War 5. Canfora, The Vanished Library 6. Cicero, Ad Atticum 7. Gibbon, Decline and Fall, III 8. Lucan, The Civil Wars 9. Orosius, VI 10. Plutarch, Life of Caesar 11. Strabo, XVII 12. Tertullian, Apologetics 13. Vrettos, Alexandria City of the Western Mind 14. Jamal al-Din Abu al-Hassan Ibrahim Alagafti, translations of the Wise 15. Taqi al-Din Ahmad ibn Ali Maqrizi, sermons and account stated in the plans and effects 16. Abu Faraj Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Mohammed Nadeem Ishaq (Ibn al-Nadim), the index 17 Georgy Zeidan, history of Islamic civilization 18. Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Khaldun Introduction
Attempts sent from New
In the year 2002 and with the support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "UNESCO" was inaugurated new Library of Alexandria and both libraries are located in the city of Alexandria, Egypt. Remained a dream in the rebuilding of the ancient Library of Alexandria and reviving the legacy of this global center for science and knowledge has haunted the imagination of scientists and thinkers in the world.
GD-EG-BibAlex-Vue géné niv + 2.JPG
The beginning was with the announcement of former President Mubarak's announcement of Aswan in 1990 to revive the old library.
And the Library of Alexandria is a remarkable cultural edifices that have been created, was the launch of the new Library of Alexandria in a grand ceremony attended by kings and queens and heads of delegations and international high to be a beacon of culture and Egypt's window on the world and a window to the world on Egypt.
It is the first digital library in the twenty-first century and Egyptian heritage includes cultural, humanitarian, and is a center for study, dialogue and tolerance. This includes cultural edifice:
Library can accommodate more than eight million books, six specialized libraries, three museums, seven research centers, vulnerable permanent, six halls to Art Galleries variety, planetarium, room to explore and conference center .. built new Library of Alexandria to relive the spirit of the old library The library aspires to be:
- A center of knowledge and tolerance, dialogue and understanding.
- A window to the world on Egypt
- Egypt's window on the world.
Sages [the more than cent in the most brilliant periods of the library They were divided into two groups according to the classification and they put themselves Alvelologion and philosophers:
Alvelologion was studying texts and deepen as each reached philology tidy major science was her connection with the knowledge of history and Almtheogravea. While studying the rest of the philosophers of science, whether they are scientists or thinkers.
And among generations of scientists who led the Library of Alexandria and worked out by the long hours of study and scrutiny, geniuses save history names like Archimedes (citizen of Syracuse), and developed by Euclid's geometry, and explain Hipparchus for all trigonometry and put his theory Bjeeomrkzah the world, he said that the stars neighborhoods generate and move for centuries and then die at the end of the day, while the Aristarchus Alsamosze thesis adverse Alhliomkzah any theory (an argument the movement of the Earth and other planets around the sun and that several centuries before Copernicus).
It is also found among the scientists who worked in the library, which Aratosthyns A geographic map and accomplished a great deal of precision, and a scientist Herophilus Kuldona functions concluded that intelligence is the center of the brain, not the heart.
It also was one of the pioneers Library astronomers Timgaritts and Erstilo and Apollonius Albergama a known athlete, and Heron Eskandarani inventor toothed wheels and self-propelled machines steam and author of the book Avtomta It is the first known work for robots.
And at a later stage and around the second century in the same place astronomer Claudius Ptolemy and the work of the Library also Galinos who wrote many works on the art of medicine and anatomy.
Expansion and demolition
As we mentioned earlier, the library was part of the Museion, but at a later stage gained importance and size large and therefore it became necessary to create an extension to close them.
Believes that the supplement or "Library nascent" established order of Ptolemy III Avergitis, where established this supplement on the Plateau neighborhood Racotiis (known today neighborhood symbols), in place of Alexandria away from the seashore in an ancient temple built by early Ptolemies of the god Serapis and called Serapeum.
This library was able to withstand the centuries and crossing its predecessor acquired fame and the importance of large around the world. He has kept the Roman emperors, in the post, the library and developed equipments central heating system extended across the walls and pipes it to keep dry air inside the warehouse floor.
Groups Ancient Library of Alexandria
When traders knew the books that there is a market for books in Alexandria rushed to Egypt for the sale of the rarest and most valuable books of documents for personal libraries Btalma.kma was fertile ground to feed the Bibliotheca Alexandrina large groups as is the case for the library and library Teoffrastos Aristotle. One way to get books, inspect cargo ships that were docked in the port of Alexandria and the confiscation of any books on board and reproduced them only copy given to the owners and keeps the assets in the library with any compensation ask if there are any problems in this Alagrae.omen through these methods combine a number an awful lot of books included Greek intellectual production written all, and perhaps the main library may be narrowed, including the gathering of the books, which necessitated the establishment of a branch library in the Serapeum Temple. There are no specific figures for the size of the groups or the number of books that were present in the libraries. The book gave the Greeks different figures for the number of books (winders), which was Held in the library, and you should know that one fascia may involve a number of business as per the book that might occur in a number of Allvavat.uccir figures to be the main library in the museum included 400 a roll is classified and 90 thousand a roll and 800 rank and classified. These figures are recorded what it was in the time of Callimachus groups who died in the year between 235 and 240 BC. The documents confirm that the maximum number reached by the Group is 700 thousand volumes until the first century BC, before any fire partial Going to have signed with the hit "Julius Caesar" to Alexandria. It is unfortunate that we do not have numbers confirmed after that date and after compensation Cleopatra also told the Library of Pergamum after falling in the hands of Antonio in 41 BC, which was estimated at 200 thousand a roll, and was proud of the kings Attaliyn, well, it is difficult to know the trends objectivity to the library where we have not received even the index developed by Callimachus groups.
The library in the twenty-first century
Has been the revival of the library in a huge project carried out by Egypt in conjunction with the agency UNESCO United Nations, where he was building a new library at a site near the old library. Modern library was opened in October 2002.
Historians disagree on the person who built the library, there are those who say that Alexander and placed in the layout when building Alexandria [5], the owner of the idea of building [6] and some say that Ptolemy I is built and others say it was Taséa by Ptolemy II [1] as that is completed Fbtalmeos first is the one who ordered the establishment of the library and organized at his own expense, and then complete that his successor Ptolemy II. [7] collection Demetrius Alvalery Greek nucleus of the Library of Alexandria, which is in the country of Greece, [7], who was working as a consultant for Ptolemy I [8] [9], a library systems [10] has been developed planning architecturally and objective so as to be reflective of the balance of Greek thought and modern sciences. [6] and there is a difference in a year that has been created in which there are those who say Onhancit in 330 BC [11] and there Who says it was established in 288 BC [12]
Trustees of the Library [edit]
Old [13] [14] [edit]
Alvalery Demetrius (284 BC).
And Zinodotos Alavssa (284-260 BC).
Barqawi and Callimachus (260-240 BC).
And Abullonius Alrodsy (240-235 BC).
And Aratosttheis Barqawi (235-195 BC).
Byzantine and Aristophanes (195-180 BC).
And Abullonius Aadugravos (180-160 BC).
Acommotracy and Aristarchus (160-145 BC)....
The secret of greatness and fame ancient Library of Alexandria [edit]
The prominence of Ancient Library of Alexandria (Bbltica de me Axandrina) to be the oldest library general government in the ancient world, and not because it is the first world libraries Vmketbat Pharaonic temples were known when the ancient Egyptians, but it was especially priests only and the Ptolemies themselves who they founded knew Libraries well as due greatness also that they whale books and science civilizations Pharaonic, Greek, and it happened blending scientific and meet the cultural intellectual science East and Science West, it is a model of cultural globalization old produced a civilization Hellenistic where intermarried Pharaonic and Greco attributed greatness also of the greatness of those who made it, where was imposed on all the world taught to let out a copy of his books but they also were in the stronghold of science and stronghold of papyrus and writing instruments Egypt, where the collection out what was in the libraries of Egyptian temples and a whale of flag-On and Last but not least frees scientists from Thabo politics, religion, sex, race and segregation science which was for the human world is visiting her or student by not asks not only for his knowledge about his religion and ethnicity
The old library [edit]
The Library of Alexandria property first and greatest library known in history and remained the largest libraries of its time, established the Library of Alexandria at the hands of the successors of Alexander the Great since more than two thousand years to the largest collection of books in the Old World, which reached number then to 700 thousand volumes including the works of Homer and the library Aristotle.
Ptolemy was first created 330 BC it was spending lavishly during the reign of Ptolemy II, where he Ptusatha and add extensions to her, the library contained a huge number of books and manuscripts reached the 700,000 folder
Fire Library [edit]
In 48 BC. M. Julius Caesar burned 101 vessels were found on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea in front of the Library of Alexandria after it was besieged by Ptolemy, Cleopatra's brother, after the little hair that Julius Caesar, Cleopatra championing it, and spread the flames of burning ships to the Library of Alexandria where it is believed Vahrguetha some historians have it destroyed. [17]
While little history as well as it has the right to the library severely damaged in 391 AD when the order of the Roman Emperor Theodosius I destroy them, and poses some historians Another theory is that, despite the fire Theodosius I, the library has survived until the year 640 AD, where, according to some historians, it was completely destroyed during the period of the rule Amr ibn al-Aas to Egypt by order of the Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab. [18] while denies other historians any link to the Muslims and Amr ibn al-Aas in a fire library, and describe the charge superstition [19] and the myth [20] where they say that the Amr ibn al-Aas entered Alexandria in the year 642 m at the time were not found until the Library of Alexandria burned where they say it is proved that the Library of Alexandria was burned to the ground at the time of the Roman emperor Julius Caesar in 48 BC. AD ". [17]
Where there were no books in the ancient Kelieqhobe, and Albuladhira, and Ibn Abd al-Hakam, and al-Tabari, and Canadian, nor in the history of came after them and take them Kalmqrizi, and dad beauties, and Suyuti, and others.
After entering the Arabs of Alexandria on December 22 in 640 AD. And the destruction of the city walls, happened to know the Amr ibn al-Aas on the world of theology Christian appellant in the Age named John Philoponus John Philoponus (pupil Alexandrian philosopher Ammonius previously mentioned, it is known to the Arabs in the name Yahya grammar, has contributed his writings to a large extent in the transfer of Greek culture to the Arabs) . After many debates religious between John and Amr about triangulation, standardization and the divinity of Jesus Christ asked John from Amr maintain the books in the Library of Alexandria, because, according to John, "Unlike stores, palaces and gardens of the city, those books are not useful for Amr or his men." Then Amr was surprised and asked about the origin of those books and usefulness, Vsrd him the story of John the Alexandria Library since its founding by Ptolemy II. But Amr ibn al-Aas replied by saying that he could not act without taking the advice of Omar ibn al-Khattab. He wrote Ibn al-Khattab speech milk is consulted in the library and books. While John was waiting for a reply in Amr, authorized the latter to John visited the library, accompanied by his disciple Jewish doctor Villaritis Philaretes (is the author of a medical book, a pulse of error attributed to John Philoponus). Several days later came replies Omar ibn al-Khattab, and which was read and translated by Amr ibn al-Aas on the ears of both John and Villaritis, and what it means: "... And the books that I mentioned Van was where it approves the Book of God in the Book of God with him indispensable, and that was where the contrary to the Book of God does not need us to. "And so is Amr ibn al-Aas distribute books bathrooms Alexandria for use in lighting the fire that keeps the warmth of the bathrooms. The mention of the Muslim Alagafti in his translations of the wise that the burning of these books has continued for nearly six months, and that the only books that survived the fire were some books of the Greek philosopher Aristotle and some of the writings of Ptolemy and Euclid Sports geographical location. The novel Arabs burning books library Serapeum also mentioned Alagafti also mentioned in the books of sermons and account stated in the plans and implications for historians of Egyptian Sheikh Taqi al-Din to Mqrizi, and the index to Ibn al-Nadim, the history of Islamic civilization to Georgy Zeidan. It also supports the Ibn Khaldun in his book Introduction Ibn Khaldun novel burning of Arabs to the Library of Alexandria, given the behavior of the Arabs in the same era, and examples of this behavior throwing Saad bin Abi Waqas books Persians in the water and fire, and so on the order of Omar ibn al-Khattab, who sent Ben Abi Waqqas saying "The guidance was not what it was God guided him Bahidy albeit astray Enough was God." References pro burning Alexandria Library
Some blame the burning of the library of Alexandria Julius Caesar (100-44 BC). And one of the most important Snaúd this claim is without Julius Caesar himself in his book that the Alexandrian War of fire that ignited his soldiers to burn the Egyptian fleet in the port of Alexandria has extended to gobble up a warehouse full of papers papyrus is located close to the port. But the study of the geographical location of the library in Alexandria neighborhood Brochaon Bruchion away from the harbor is clear that this store is impossible to be a library. The suspicion of burning Julius Caesar to the Library of Alexandria easy to disprove it by reading the book Geography of the historian Strabo Strabo, who visited Alexandria about 25 years BC. The scientific article, which draws from historical sources that were present in the library of Alexandria at the time. In addition, the Cicero Cicero months historians Romanian empire, and who knew the extreme hostility of Julius Caesar, did not mention the incident at all burning of Julius Caesar to the Library of Alexandria in his famous book Philippics which is further evidence of the innocence of Julius Caesar from that charge.
Nevertheless, some historians agree that Julius Caesar is already burned by the Library of Alexandria. One of these historians is Plutarch Plutarch in his Life of Caesar, who wrote at the end of the first century AD, and in which he stated that the Alexandria Library has burned by the fire, which began Julius Caesar for the destruction of the Egyptian fleet stationed in the port of Alexandria. In the second century AD, and in his book Attic Nights, mentions the Roman historian Ulus Jlius Aulus Gellius that the Royal Library of Alexandria was burned when he accidentally ignited some Roman soldiers Affiliates of Julius Caesar some flames. In the fourth century pagan historians agree Mrslinos Ammianus Ammianus Marcellinus and the Christian Orucius Orosius that the Library of Alexandria has burned an error because of the fire, which began Julius Caesar. But mostly here that these historians confused between the Greek words bibliothekas the sense of a collection of books and bibliotheka sense Library, and this has been thought that what has been written previously about the burning of some books near the port and in some stores is burning to the famous Library of Alexandria.
On this, given what was written by Roman historians mentioned above, it is likely that the Royal Library of Alexandria was burned after Strabo's visit to the city about 25 BC. But before the beginning of the second century AD, and it was only what these historians have said the incident cremated and her descent error of Julius Caesar. The result is that the library had been destroyed mostly by someone other than Julius Caesar, but the next generation of the incident used to link the fire, which occurred in Alexandria during the existence of Julius Caesar and the burning of the library.
But it is known that the Alexandrian Library property, or the museum as it was called, where it includes the assets of many of the mothers of the books in the world, were not only library in the city of Alexandria, but there were Mketbtan two other at least: Library Temple of Serapeum library temple Alsizarryon. And the continuing intellectual and scientific life in Alexandria after the destruction of the Royal Library, and prosperity of the city as a center of science and literature in the world between the first century AD and the sixth century AD, has adopted the existence of these two libraries and Ahtautah of books and references. It is historically documented that the Royal Library was the private library of the royal family and the scientists and researchers, while the office Serapeum Alsizarryon Mketbtnin broad and open to the public. And thanks to the establishment of the Royal Library of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, while the foundations of his son Ptolemy III Serapeum Temple and the library attached to it. Later known as the Serapeum library on behalf of the library daughter Daughter Library. While it was the site of the Royal Library in the neighborhood Brochaon Bruchion near the royal palaces and royal gardens, it was the Serapeum library and the Temple of Serapeum which the god Serapis in the neighborhood Racotiis Rhakotis popular. While whale Royal Library originals of most of the world's books, it was the usual place copies of those assets in the library of the Serapeum.
After the burning of the Royal Library became the Serapeum Temple library, larger than Alsizarryon Temple Library, the main library for the city of Alexandria. The first historical reference to that library was in the book The Apology of the mark Christian Tertullian Tertullian, where it is stated that the library of the Ptolemies preserved in the Library of the Serapeum, and that part of what they contain a copy of the books of the Old Testament Jews goes Alexandria to hear it read in the library. If we consider that the library is the Ptolemaic royal library, it can be said that what has been saved from the original books from the library of Alexandria property has been moved to the Serapeum library to be placed next to the copies that were already in that library daughter. This analysis is supported by what is stated in the message Arsthias Letter of Aristeas (Starter secondary Jew), which date back to the end of writing the first century AD, from the Royal Library manuscripts that had been transferred to the Library of the Serapeum. In the year 379 AD. Back of St. John Chrysostom to mention the Serapeum in his library-oriented Antakyin that the Serapeum library containing a copy of the Old Testament which is Ptolemy II Philadelphus translated from Hebrew to Greek.
Then in 391 AD. Some Christians in Alexandria at the instigation of Pope Theophilus, Pope of Alexandria to destroy the pagan temple Aserabion and build a church over its ruins. But the destruction of the library overlooking Aserabion did so mostly because they contain many of the books of Christianity and Judaism as well as other scientific books, which were the subject of attention of many scientists pagans and Christians alike. Until the end of the sixth century AD, we find many references to the historical presence of the Serapeum library in Alexandria, and those signals described the Alexandrian philosopher Ammonius Ammonius to that library and what Hute books, such as copies of the book works Categories of Aristotle.
Further Reading: 1. Ammianus Marcellinus, XXII 2. Aristeas, Letter 3. Aulus Gellius, VII 4. Caesar, Alexandrian War 5. Canfora, The Vanished Library 6. Cicero, Ad Atticum 7. Gibbon, Decline and Fall, III 8. Lucan, The Civil Wars 9. Orosius, VI 10. Plutarch, Life of Caesar 11. Strabo, XVII 12. Tertullian, Apologetics 13. Vrettos, Alexandria City of the Western Mind 14. Jamal al-Din Abu al-Hassan Ibrahim Alagafti, translations of the Wise 15. Taqi al-Din Ahmad ibn Ali Maqrizi, sermons and account stated in the plans and effects 16. Abu Faraj Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Mohammed Nadeem Ishaq (Ibn al-Nadim), the index 17 Georgy Zeidan, history of Islamic civilization 18. Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Khaldun Introduction
Attempts sent from New
In the year 2002 and with the support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "UNESCO" was inaugurated new Library of Alexandria and both libraries are located in the city of Alexandria, Egypt. Remained a dream in the rebuilding of the ancient Library of Alexandria and reviving the legacy of this global center for science and knowledge has haunted the imagination of scientists and thinkers in the world.
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The beginning was with the announcement of former President Mubarak's announcement of Aswan in 1990 to revive the old library.
And the Library of Alexandria is a remarkable cultural edifices that have been created, was the launch of the new Library of Alexandria in a grand ceremony attended by kings and queens and heads of delegations and international high to be a beacon of culture and Egypt's window on the world and a window to the world on Egypt.
It is the first digital library in the twenty-first century and Egyptian heritage includes cultural, humanitarian, and is a center for study, dialogue and tolerance. This includes cultural edifice:
Library can accommodate more than eight million books, six specialized libraries, three museums, seven research centers, vulnerable permanent, six halls to Art Galleries variety, planetarium, room to explore and conference center .. built new Library of Alexandria to relive the spirit of the old library The library aspires to be:
- A center of knowledge and tolerance, dialogue and understanding.
- A window to the world on Egypt
- Egypt's window on the world.
Sages [the more than cent in the most brilliant periods of the library They were divided into two groups according to the classification and they put themselves Alvelologion and philosophers:
Alvelologion was studying texts and deepen as each reached philology tidy major science was her connection with the knowledge of history and Almtheogravea. While studying the rest of the philosophers of science, whether they are scientists or thinkers.
And among generations of scientists who led the Library of Alexandria and worked out by the long hours of study and scrutiny, geniuses save history names like Archimedes (citizen of Syracuse), and developed by Euclid's geometry, and explain Hipparchus for all trigonometry and put his theory Bjeeomrkzah the world, he said that the stars neighborhoods generate and move for centuries and then die at the end of the day, while the Aristarchus Alsamosze thesis adverse Alhliomkzah any theory (an argument the movement of the Earth and other planets around the sun and that several centuries before Copernicus).
It is also found among the scientists who worked in the library, which Aratosthyns A geographic map and accomplished a great deal of precision, and a scientist Herophilus Kuldona functions concluded that intelligence is the center of the brain, not the heart.
It also was one of the pioneers Library astronomers Timgaritts and Erstilo and Apollonius Albergama a known athlete, and Heron Eskandarani inventor toothed wheels and self-propelled machines steam and author of the book Avtomta It is the first known work for robots.
And at a later stage and around the second century in the same place astronomer Claudius Ptolemy and the work of the Library also Galinos who wrote many works on the art of medicine and anatomy.
Expansion and demolition
As we mentioned earlier, the library was part of the Museion, but at a later stage gained importance and size large and therefore it became necessary to create an extension to close them.
Believes that the supplement or "Library nascent" established order of Ptolemy III Avergitis, where established this supplement on the Plateau neighborhood Racotiis (known today neighborhood symbols), in place of Alexandria away from the seashore in an ancient temple built by early Ptolemies of the god Serapis and called Serapeum.
This library was able to withstand the centuries and crossing its predecessor acquired fame and the importance of large around the world. He has kept the Roman emperors, in the post, the library and developed equipments central heating system extended across the walls and pipes it to keep dry air inside the warehouse floor.
Groups Ancient Library of Alexandria
When traders knew the books that there is a market for books in Alexandria rushed to Egypt for the sale of the rarest and most valuable books of documents for personal libraries Btalma.kma was fertile ground to feed the Bibliotheca Alexandrina large groups as is the case for the library and library Teoffrastos Aristotle. One way to get books, inspect cargo ships that were docked in the port of Alexandria and the confiscation of any books on board and reproduced them only copy given to the owners and keeps the assets in the library with any compensation ask if there are any problems in this Alagrae.omen through these methods combine a number an awful lot of books included Greek intellectual production written all, and perhaps the main library may be narrowed, including the gathering of the books, which necessitated the establishment of a branch library in the Serapeum Temple. There are no specific figures for the size of the groups or the number of books that were present in the libraries. The book gave the Greeks different figures for the number of books (winders), which was Held in the library, and you should know that one fascia may involve a number of business as per the book that might occur in a number of Allvavat.uccir figures to be the main library in the museum included 400 a roll is classified and 90 thousand a roll and 800 rank and classified. These figures are recorded what it was in the time of Callimachus groups who died in the year between 235 and 240 BC. The documents confirm that the maximum number reached by the Group is 700 thousand volumes until the first century BC, before any fire partial Going to have signed with the hit "Julius Caesar" to Alexandria. It is unfortunate that we do not have numbers confirmed after that date and after compensation Cleopatra also told the Library of Pergamum after falling in the hands of Antonio in 41 BC, which was estimated at 200 thousand a roll, and was proud of the kings Attaliyn, well, it is difficult to know the trends objectivity to the library where we have not received even the index developed by Callimachus groups.
The library in the twenty-first century
Has been the revival of the library in a huge project carried out by Egypt in conjunction with the agency UNESCO United Nations, where he was building a new library at a site near the old library. Modern library was opened in October 2002.
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