السبت، 16 أغسطس 2014

Pharaonic monuments

Mir archaeological tombs located west of the village of Mir Ali Center Qusiya 65 km northwest of Assiut, comprising nine tombs carved in the mountain to be the tombs of the ancient capital of the province of princes and rulers of the fourteenth province. Walls and inscriptions characterized by simulating the amazing details of the nature and precision of all the daily business at the time. 
They Palace Tombs of Amarna tombs carved in the mountain city of Gharba- Qusiya a return to the era of the Sixth Dynasty to the era of the Twelfth Dynasty (2420-1778q.m) and all the walls are completely covered with scenes of daily life and religious rituals and there are practical statement about the early stages of the sculpture. 
Alhamaih archaeological tombs are located in the village of Badari Alhamaih south of the city and just 50 kilometers southeast of Assiut, a cowardly princes and rulers of the region tenth of the regions of Upper Egypt in the Old Kingdom and due to the end of the Fourth Dynasty (reign of Cheops) and the beginning of the Fifth Dynasty in 2560 BC 0 
Tombs of the effects of Mount Assiut Western is located in the western mountain-west of the city of Assiut, was dedicated to the rulers and princes of the region XIII through modern old state and the Central and the archaeological area of Mount Assiut western rich completely graves archaeological either which was unveiled and published in knowing archaeologists publication of a scientific or still reserved in the soles of the mountain folds between grades 0 
Tombs of Deir Aljibraoy located in the village of Deir Aljibraoy Center Abnoub and about 20 kilometers north-east of the city of Assiut, a group of tombs carved into the mountain east of the rulers and princes of the region XII during the Old Kingdom and Central which is characterized by including in respect of decorations and colorful graphics on a layer of grout sleek which retains physical integrity and nature in many parts to this day. 
Tombs of Deir Riva This area is located 12 km west of the surface of the western mountain city of Assiut, where there are rock tombs of nobles and princes province Eleventh and there are seven tombs of the Middle Kingdom and the modern state.

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